Monday, May 21, 2012

A good party is one with laughing people, lots of food and smiling. Everybody is happy! Nobody is thinking about the end of the party. Jesus answered, “How can the guests of the bridegroom mourn while he is with them? The time will come when the bridegroom will be taken from them; then they will fast. Matt. 9:15 (NIV) Do you realize that the party is going on right now? It is not a time for gloom and despair or fasting. Why? Because Jesus is not only alive, not only with us but IN US! Have we forgotten these wonderful facts? The disciples were enjoying Jesus presence and He wasn’t telling them to fast but to celebrate with Him. There would come a time (three days) when He would be away from them but after that He would return to them. He was taken from the disciples just like He predicted but He came back from the dead. He did come and walk with them, eat with them and worship with them. And then, He rose up into the clouds – but – He was again with them for the Holy Spirit was given and dwelled in their souls. Just like He dwells in your soul. The great time of sadness will be when He comes again but that sadness will be for those who never knew Him. We shall already have been caught up in the clouds with Him. When Jesus came into your life and your heart, He filled you with JOY and you joined a party that will never ever end. He will never leave you nor forsake you. Gloom and despair is for those without Jesus, let them fast and sit in ashes. WE shall party because He is the LIFE of our party.

Thursday, February 19, 2009


A real way to stimulate the the economy.
1. Lock gas and diesel prices at 1.00 per gallon. When transportation costs are reduced business can prosper. Those billions given to banks and auto companies etc. should be used to purchase the crude. Open up the wells in the USA, use oil shale, natural gas and all other oil based resources to get away from the OPEC blackmail.
2. Eliminate the corporate taxes on MANUFACTURING companies. We have the highest corporate tax rates in the world. Eliminating the tax will move companies back to the US from China, Mexico and other NAFTA countries.
3. Limit Union pay to no more than 3 times the minimum wage. Make Unionized companies competitive with the rest of the world.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Financial Meltdown: Who Caused It?

The Financial Meltdown: Who Is To Blame?

Could it be OPEC?
Could it be ACORN?
Could it be WAXMAN?
Could it be?????

What we do know is that congress has been under the contraol of the Dems since the 2002 election. In that amount of time things have gone from worse to worser (pardon the word). But the fact is that all the finger-pointing going on in the Senate and the House fails to point to those who should have taken their fingers out of the pie.
Waxman has finally been pressured to hold hearings. As we have seen this week everyone blames someone other than their department or their committee. From banks to Bernake it is the same story – someone other than me did this! Fannie and Freddie were not my responsibility.

Mr. Waxman insisted his reluctance to call a hearing stemmed from civic mindedness. "I don't think we ought to use these hearings to be partisan," he told the committee earlier this month.

Who knew that Senator Barack Obama was the largest single recipient of Fannie Mae campaign contributions over the last 20 years, save for Senate Banking Committee Chairman Chris Dodd? More amazing still, Mr. Obama pulled off this feat even though he had only been in the Senate for four of those 20 years.

Did OPEC cause it?
Skyrocketing oil prices put pressure on the economy. The OPEC members siad they didn’t have anything to do with it. “It’s the traders!” they screamed. Who are these mysterious traders and who do they work for? No one seems willing to answer this question.

And another thing – those subprime mortgages – bundled and traded with ever-expanding costs tacked on, who got that money? If ACORN pushed congress and committees into those financial bombs we have to ask why? Who benefited? It wasn’t the person purchasing their first home.

Will WAXMAN really look for answers who hold the party line and cover butts? It seems a sure bet considering the congresspeople involved. And when will any serious investigation take place if ever? Not until January, well after elections, and by republicans if they should regain the Senate (not going to happen).

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Obama and McCain: The Supreme Court

John McCain will still be around if he is elected. Barack Obama will still be around if he is elected. If McCain wins Obama becomes a footnote in history. If Obama wins McCain will still have a voice and an influence in politics. Is either man important?
The election this year is not for control of the White House but control of the Supreme Court. It is the court that will dictate the economy not the treasury. It is the court that will decide bailouts for business and mergers to come. It is the court that will decide national health insurance. It is the court that will decide social security and Medicaid.Right now everyone’s attention is drawn to the economy. It’s not the economy stupid – it’s the court. We have moved so far from the rule of the people that we can’t get back to it.
The court has decided the major issues of rights governing both personal and property. Those decisions have taken rule by the people and for the people out of the people’s hands. The constitution has been re-written by the many pronouncements by the courts. Each word and phrase has become something other than what was intended.Should the liberal democrats gain the upper hand in the courts the democratic party will have free reign for at least a generation. With control of the house, the senate and the White House they will be able to place the judges on the court. Voter registration will become a greater farce than what it is today. All challenges to the way voters are registered will be decided in favor of the democrats. Indoctrination of children to become democrats will far exceed what is currently taking place.Gay rights, abortion, gay marriage, energy taxes, wealth-sharing will not be discussed for these will be law. The new progressive society will replace the great society. Making racial slurs will carry more jail time than murder. Illegal drugs will be legalized. Stem cell research will be carried out using cells from fetuses grown for the research. All this because the court will rule in favor of liberal, socialist democrats.Five years from now John McCain will still be around so will Barack Obama. History will record which one changed America the most.