Monday, May 21, 2012

A good party is one with laughing people, lots of food and smiling. Everybody is happy! Nobody is thinking about the end of the party. Jesus answered, “How can the guests of the bridegroom mourn while he is with them? The time will come when the bridegroom will be taken from them; then they will fast. Matt. 9:15 (NIV) Do you realize that the party is going on right now? It is not a time for gloom and despair or fasting. Why? Because Jesus is not only alive, not only with us but IN US! Have we forgotten these wonderful facts? The disciples were enjoying Jesus presence and He wasn’t telling them to fast but to celebrate with Him. There would come a time (three days) when He would be away from them but after that He would return to them. He was taken from the disciples just like He predicted but He came back from the dead. He did come and walk with them, eat with them and worship with them. And then, He rose up into the clouds – but – He was again with them for the Holy Spirit was given and dwelled in their souls. Just like He dwells in your soul. The great time of sadness will be when He comes again but that sadness will be for those who never knew Him. We shall already have been caught up in the clouds with Him. When Jesus came into your life and your heart, He filled you with JOY and you joined a party that will never ever end. He will never leave you nor forsake you. Gloom and despair is for those without Jesus, let them fast and sit in ashes. WE shall party because He is the LIFE of our party.